Labor Day Schedule:
The Gym will be open for a 9AM Community Class on Monday, 4 September. Friends and Family are welcome!
All other classes are cancelled.
The Gym Lake Highlands – 2-PWRHR
Coach Led
A. Weights (Weight)
E2MOM x 5 Sets
3 Power Cleans or 3 Squat Cleans
Building in weight across all 5 sets
Clean (5×3)
B. Metcon (Time)
For Time
35 Cal Row
35 Box Jump Overs (20/20)
35 Deadlifts (155/105)
35 Wallball Shots (20/14)
35 Push-ups
35 Wallball Shots
35 Deadlifts
35 Box Jump Overs
35 Cal Row
25 Minute Cap
RX+: 50 reps