The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A. Metcon AMRAP 30 400m Run 30 Alt Db Snatch 10/10 Single DB Deadlift (same weight as snatch) 30/24 Cal AB 30 [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit Log Your Scores! Log your scores for a chance to win a The Gym hat! Each day this week, we’ll randomly select a winner from those who log their scores for [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour It Takes Two to Tango (Partner WOD) (No Measure) “Meet Cute” AMRAP 0:00-5:00 (divide the work any way) 10/8 cals bike 5/5 hang KB clean + jerk (53/35#) 5 [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Snatch (4 Sets, Building or not Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + OHS + 3-5 Strict Pullups (if you’re able to get 5 add weight using a DB) rest [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Heatbreaker (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) “Heartbreaker” AMRAP 28 💘 14 reps per movement (Valentine’s Day 💝) 14 Cal Row or Bike 14 Dumbbell [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Strength (5 Rounds for weight) E2MOM x 5 5 Double DB Power Clean 200m Run B. Metcon (Time) 6 Rounds for Time 12/9 Cal Bike 12 DB Atlas Lunge 12 DB [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 27 600m Run 20 Wall Balls 15 Toes-to-Bar 10 Alternating Devils Press B. Accessory (Checkmark) 2-3 Sets [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A. Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) I. AMRAP 5 5 PC+J (155/105) 7 Burpee over Bar 9 Toes to Bar + Rest 3 + II. AMRAP 5 7 PC + J (125/85) 7 Burpee over Bar 7 Toes [...]