The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (2 Rounds for reps) AMRAP 13 x 2 30/25 Cal Row 15 Devils Press 1 Wall Walk 15 Toes to Bar 200m Run (4 Reps) 10 Burpee Broad Jumps 1 Wall Walk [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Power Clean (E:1:30 x 9, building as TECHNIQUE allows: 3 Power Cleans 2 Hang Power Cleans 1 Jerk) B. Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds for Time: 12 Wall Ball [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Strength (4 Rounds for weight) 4 Sets: 5 Landmine Deadlift + 200m Single KB Overhead Carry Rest as needed B. Metcon (Checkmark) EMOM x 21 1 – [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Shoulder Press (3 Sets, building 1-1-1 + 3-5 Strict Dips) -a flows into B -lift every 2 minutes B.: Push Press (3 sets, building 3-3-3 + 3-5 Strict [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 33 400m Run 30 Box Jump Overs 30 KBS 800m Row 15 Goblet Squats 15 Burpee to Target 400m Run 7 Pull-ups [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Back Squat (In 20ish minutes build to a heavy single for the day or possibly a new max) -this is somewhat of a test day so working to failure is an [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Strength (4 Rounds for weight) 4 Sets: 5 Seated DB Press (heavier than last time) + :15 Second DB OH Hold + 200m MB Run Rest as needed B. Metcon [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Deadlift (21 Sets, 1 Rep: Every :20 x 21 1 Deadlift at 55-60% Use a double overhand grip and control the bar top to bottom -these are ment to be [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (Time) A. For Time: 800m Run + 40 Wall Balls 30 DB Snatch 20 Box Jumps 10 Burpees + 400m Run + 10 Burpees 20 Box Jumps 30 DB Snatch 40 Wall [...]