2-PWRHR – Fri, Jul 26

The Gym Lake Highlands – 2-PWRHR CrossFit Games Open 24.1 Rx (Ages 16-54) (Time) For time: 21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1 21 lateral burpees over dumbbell 21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2 21 [...]

2-PWRHR – Thu, Jul 25

The Gym Lake Highlands – 2-PWRHR A. Strength (Checkmark) EMOM x 9 1-3: 3 Shoulder Press 4-6: 5 Push Press 7-9: 7 S2OH-add weight each set B. Metcon (Checkmark) EMOM x 24 1: 50 Double Unders [...]

1-CrossFit – Thu, Jul 25

The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit A. Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) AMRAP 25 5 Front Squats (135/95) 5 BMU 20 Cal Row 200m Suitcase Carry (53/35) Rest 1:00 B. Accessory (Checkmark) 2-3 Sets: [...]

2-PWRHR – Wed, Jul 24

The Gym Lake Highlands – 2-PWRHR A. Bike Fun (3 Rounds for calories) 3 Sets: TABATA Assault Bike Cal Rest 2 Minutes between sets B. Metcon (Time) 800m Run 100 Air Squats 50 Box Step Overs [...]