The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
A. General
Coach Led
B. Mobility
90/90 hip rotations
12 rotations (6/6)
C. Activation
2 sets
10 Banded knee external rotations:
8/8 single leg glute bridges
1 Back squat + 5 Sec hold + 1 Back squat @Ascending
Back Squat (3 @87%
2 @90%
1 @92%
3 @87%
2 @92%
1 @95%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
No Fails!
TC: 18 minutes
Score: Weight on sets of 1 rep
Scaling options
6 x 3 @ tempo 3.1.X.1
Int & Perform
As written
Metcon (6 Rounds for time)
E2MOM x 6
20 DB Push press 2×50/35lbs
15 TTB
RX+: Recovery on machine of your choice in the remaining time
TC: 12 Mins
Score: Time per round
KG: 25/15
Scaling options
15 DB push press @2x 25/15lbs
15 Abmat situps
Intermediate L1
20 DB push press @2×35/25lbs
15 Singing leg raises
Intermediate L2
20 DB push press @2×35/25lbs
8-10 TTB