1-CrossFit – Mon, Dec 4


The 100KM Challenge Starts 1 December. Register with The Gym’s team here. Questions? Ask a coach or Team Captain Jeff!

Embrace the challenge with your fellow athletes!

The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit

A.: Deadlift (4 Sets; 10 Reps
55%, 60%, 65%, 70%)

Use your heavy single from previous week for %, not lifetime max; record your heaviest set

B. Accessory Superset (Checkmark)

3 Sets:

10 RDL (Barbell or DB)

10 DB Lunges (each leg)

10 Barbell Roll Out (or ab wheel)

Rest 2 Minutes between sets

C. Metcon (Time)


Wall Ball (30/20)

Burpee to 6″ Target

Time Cap: 8 Minutes