The Gym Lake Highlands – 5-At Home
Warm-up (No Measure)
2x of
100 singles
10 Butterfly lunges
10 Shoulder PT
10 Trunk twists
– Butterfly lunges: (third video)
Metcon (Weight)
4x of
4 DB Shoulder press
3 DB Push press
2 DB Push jerk
Work through all nine reps without putting the DB down.
Record weight of heaviest set.
Scale with sets of 10 Push-ups if no DBs
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds for reps
MIN 1 – Max DB Push-press (115/75)
MIN 2 – Max Box Jumps (24/20)
MIN 3 – Max DB Hang clean (115/75)
Min 4 – Rest
– DB push-press: max handstand hold, or push-ups
– Box jumps: jumping air squats
– DB hang clean: Tuck-ups