The Gym Lake Highlands – 3-Fitness

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Warm-up (No Measure)

8min Continous:

10m Quadruped Crawl

12/12 Single Leg Glute Bridges

10sec Single Arm Ring Row Hold/arm
*Start slow and build pace a little bit as you go- Warm up in nature


Metcon (Weight)

3 Sets- Kettlebell Complex*

9 Dual KB Sumo Deadlift

7 Dual KB Clean

5 Dual Front Rack Squats
*After each set EZ Row for 2mins


Metcon (No Measure)

3 Sets- Consistent Effort Every Set

5 Strict C2B Pull-ups

-Rest 15 secs

7 Kipping C2B Pull-Ups

-Rest 15sec

9 Kipping Pull-ups

-Rest 15secs

250/200m Row

Rest 2mins b/t sets
*We are going to really build up pulling density on these Mondays- Keep the reps sharp and the breaks to focus on quality of reps


Metcon (No Measure)


Side Star Plank