The Gym Lake Highlands – 3-Fitness

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets:

10 Single Leg Glute Bridge

4 SA KB Thruster @ 22X1/arm

3 Strict Pull Ups or difficult Ring Rows


Deadlift (5-5-4-4)

2020 Tempo*
*tempo shift this week- loads continue to build

Metcon (Weight)

DB Crossbody Single Leg RDL:

40X1; 3-5/leg

*Complete a set of these after each set of Deadlifts


Metcon (Time)

For Time @ HIGH Effort:

10 UB Dual KB Rack Squats

20 UB Russian KBS

10 Cal Row

20 UB Goblet Squats

20 UB Russian KBS

20 Cal Row

30 UB Wall Balls

30 KB Deadlift

30 Cal Row