The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
3 rounds
10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity
10sec L-sit hold OR Seated Pike ups
10 Prone pvc press
10 second wall facing hs hold or pike hold
2 Sets:
5 SLOW Yoga Push-ups
Deadlift (5 Rep Heavy)
Build to a heavy 5 rep
B: Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5 x
AMRAP 2mins
12 TTB
12 DB step up overs 24/20″
Max rep alternating DB Hang Clean and Jerk in remaining time
1min rest between rounds
DB: 1 x 50/35 lbs
Score: Total reps
TC: 15 mins
Scaling options
Level 1
8-12 Sit-ups or knee tucks
8-12 Step up @reduced height (Bodyweight)
Max rep alternating DB Hang Clean and Jerk
@1x light DB
Level 2
12 Toes to wherever
12 DB step up overs @ 24/20″
Max rep alternating DB Hang Clean and Jerk
@1 x 35/25 DB