2-PWRHR – Tue, Nov 29

The Gym Lake Highlands – 2-PWRHR


EMOM x 9:

Min 1: 10 Ring Rows + 5 Push Ups

Min 2: 10 Wallballs

Min 3: 45sec Cardio


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

2mile Run

Rest 5mins

Into a running clock

On the 0:00

3 Rounds:

20 Jumping Lunges

20 Alt KB Gorilla Rows ( 53/35)

On the 7:00

3 Rounds:

20 Air Squats

20 DB Floor Presses (35/25)

On the 14:00

3 Rounds:

20 Alt. Bodyweight Step Ups (20″)

10 Renegade Row w/Push-up (35/25)


3 Sets:

10 Strict Knees to Elbow

30sec Plank

Rest as needed after each set