The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
A. General
Coach Led
B. Mobility
PVC shoulder dislocate
10-12 Repetitions
-As close as you can while maintaining lock out and retraction in the scap
C. Specific
2 sets
-3 push-up to downward dog
-5 bent over BB rows + pause
-7/7 Banded Y pulls
Shoulder Press (EMOM 8 minutes
2 Strict press @ 75%)
TC: 8 Min
Score: Weight
Scaling Options
Moderate load
Intermediate & Perform
As written
Metcon (Time)
10 rounds for time
10 Pull ups
10 DB hang cleans 2x 50/35 lbs
RX+ Strict pull ups
TC: 15 minutes
Score: time
KG: 25/15
Scaling Options
5 rounds
10 Jumping Pull ups
10 DB hang cleans @ 25/15lbs
Intermediate L1
10 Jumping pull ups, higher bar
10 DB hang cleans @ 35/25lbs
Intermediate L2
5 pull ups
10 DB hang cleans @ 35/25lbs