1-CrossFit – Wed, Feb 21


The CrossFit Open is Coming…Register Here

3 Workouts – 3 Weeks – Worldwide Competition

The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit

A.: Push Press (6×7, building
Lift Every 2 Minutes)

-Be vigilant that these are Push Press and not push jerks

-Rerack the bar on your shoulder for each rep

-Record your heaviest set

B. Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

Every 3:30 x 4 Sets:

10 Power Cleans (135/95)

10 DB Floor Press (50/35)

5 Power Cleans

5 DB Floor Press

RX+: 155/105; 70/50
-Score is the time it takes to complete the round

-Scale weights so that all sets of power cleans are touch and go.

-You should have rest in each set,