The CrossFit Open Begins Friday! Do the workout in all classes or with your pals Friday night at 5:30 PM – beer/seltzers and FITNESS! Register for the open at
Questions? Ask a coach!
The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
The Open
The CrossFit Open Starts Friday! Register at – Join Team CrossFit Lake Highlands!
Friday Night Lights starts at 5:30 on Friday!
A.: Power Clean (2×4 @ 70-75%
4×3 @ 75-80%
rest 1:30 after each set)
-all sets at the same weight for rep count
-record your 4×3
-these are not touch and go reps
-smooth reps with good technique
B.: Hang Power Clean (2×10 @ 60-65% of your power clean max
rest 2 minutes after each set)
-unbroken sets
-both sets at the same weight
B. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
7 Strict Ring Dips
35 Double Unders
21 Alt DB Snatch (50/35)