CrossFit – Mon, Jan 20

The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit

A.: Deadlift (Pause Deadlift
3 Second Pause at the knee on the way up
5 Sets, 3 Reps
55%, 63%, 67%, 70%, 72%
8-12 Heavy Ukranian KBS
rest 1:30-2 minutes)

-use a double overhand grip for as long as possible

B. Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

i. AMRAP 10min

1 Power Snatch (155/105)

3 Knees to Elbow

9 Burpees

27 Double Unders

(40 Reps per round)

ii. Immediately into 2 min Max Strict Pullups

Round 1: Reps in i

Round 2: Reps in ii