Power Hour – Sat, Feb 15

The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour

It Takes Two to Tango (Partner WOD) (No Measure)

“Meet Cute” AMRAP 0:00-5:00 (divide the work any way)

10/8 cals bike

5/5 hang KB clean + jerk (53/35#)

5 wall walks

Rest 5:00-6:00

“The Courtship” AMRAP 6:00-11:00 (IGYG, switch each round)

8 Ukranian KB Swings (53/35#)

8 KB Goblet Squats (53/35#)

8 KB Sumo deadlift high pulls (53/35#)

Rest 11:00-12:00

“Meet the Parents” AMRAP 12:00-16:00 (divide the work any way)

250m bike sprint

25 ping pong wall ball shots (20/14#)

25 KB OH reverse lunge (53/35#)

Rest 16:00-17:00

“Moving In” AMRAP 17:00-21:00 (IGYG, switch each round)

10 med ball hop overs

10 knees to elbows

Rest 21:00-22:00

“The Proposal” 22:00-25:00

400m Tag Team Run (switch out every 100m)

Max effort synchro high-five burpees in remaining time

Rest 25:00-26:00

“The Wedding” AMRAP 26:00-29:00 (IGYG, switch each round)

6 med ball cleans (20/14#)

3/3 KB S.A. thrusters (53/35#)

Rest 29:00-30:00

“Honeymoon” 30:00- until finished

400m burden run (1 partner with med ball, switch whenever)

25 med ball partner sit ups (20/14#)

15 partner high five push ups

10 synchro pull ups
TC: 37 minutes