CrossFit – Fri, Feb 21

The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit

Log Your Scores!

Log your scores for a chance to win a The Gym hat! Each day this week, we’ll randomly select a winner from those who log their scores for every workout component. Don’t miss out—track your progress and snag some gear!

A.: Angie (Time)

For Time:
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 air squats
-a good scale here is to partition the work otherwise this workout is a chipper

-scale pull-ups to jumping pull-ups – no bands

-prioritize range of motion:

–pullups: chin over bar and reaching full extension at the bottom of the rep

–pushup: fully locked out at the top of the rep and reaching maximum depth with hips, nips and quads millimeters from the ground at the bottom

–situps: arms fully extended overhead at the back of the sit-up and shoulder in front of hips at the top

–air squats: legs locked out and shoulders over hips at the top of the rep, hip crease below knee crease a the bottom; hands off knees or quads. Coaches should watch for people who are bowing to simulate depth

-deviating from the standards above means not RX

B. Accessory (Checkmark)

10 minutes coach led mobility