🔥 The 2025 CrossFit Open Kicks Off THIS Friday! 🔥
Get ready—it’s time to throw down! The CrossFit Open is here, running for the next three weeks, and we’re bringing the energy every Friday with:
✅ Open Workouts as the Workout of the Day in all Friday CrossFit classes
✅ Friday Night Lights—a high-energy Open throwdown every Friday night!
Here’s how it works:
💪 Register (optional) at to make it official
🔥 Complete the Open workout in class OR at Friday Night Lights
👥 All Friday CrossFit classes will run two heats so everyone gets a judge
⚡ Friday Night Lights (4:30 PM) = Open Gym Style → Do the Open WOD or the PH WOD
This is your chance to test your fitness, push your limits, and have a blast with the community. Let’s get after it! 🚀💯
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit
A.: Clean (6 Sets, building every other set
Clean +
Hang Power Clean +
Split Jerk
7 Max Height Wall Balls (30/20))
B.: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15/12 Cal Row
10 Dbl DB Box Step Overs (35/20; 20/20)
5 Ring or 7 Bar Muscle Ups
1 Wall Walk