The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 29 1000m Row 60 Steps Walking Lunge 50 Situps 40 KBS 30 KB Shoulder to OH (15/side) 20 Burpee over the KB [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit Snatch (4 Sets, building or not Power Snatch + OHS + OHS + Snatch + 3-5 Strict Pullups (if you’re able to get 5 add weight using a DB) rest [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 29 1000m Row 60 Steps Walking Lunge 50 Situps 40 KBS 30 KB Shoulder to OH (15/side) 20 Burpee over the KB [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit Snatch (4 Sets, building or not Power Snatch + OHS + OHS + Snatch + 3-5 Strict Pullups (if you’re able to get 5 add weight using a DB) rest [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 29 1000m Row 60 Steps Walking Lunge 50 Situps 40 KBS 30 KB Shoulder to OH (15/side) 20 Burpee over the KB [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit Snatch (4 Sets, building or not Power Snatch + OHS + OHS + Snatch + 3-5 Strict Pullups (if you’re able to get 5 add weight using a DB) rest [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands, The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Where’s the workout? Check Power Hour for the Satuday workout. Classes at 8 & 9!
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour Two Can Play This Game (Time) 4 rounds (divided any way) 15/12 C al bike 15 H ang Power Cleans (115/75#) 15 Push Pr E ss (115/75#) 15 Box S tep Over [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour Two Can Play This Game (Time) For Time, with a Partner: 4 rounds (divided any way) 15/12 C al bike 15 H ang Power Cleans (115/75#) 15 Push Pr E ss [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour Two Can Play This Game (Time) For Time, with a Partner: 4 rounds (divided any way) 15/12 C al bike 15 H ang Power Cleans (115/75#) 15 Push Pr E ss [...]