The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Snatch (4 Sets, building or not: Pause Power Snatch (2 second at knee) + Snatch -rest 1:30-2 min) B.: Push Jerk (3 Sets, 5 Reps Build to a moderate 5 [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (Time) For Time, Partitioned in any way, in any order: 3000m Row 67 Pullups 100 KB Goblet Squats 150 KBS 200 Double Unders 15 Wall Walks
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (Time) For Time, Partitioned in any way, in any order: 3000m Row 67 Pullups 100 KB Goblet Squats 150 KBS 200 Double Unders 15 Wall Walks
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Snatch (4 Sets, building or not: Pause Power Snatch (2 second at knee) + Snatch -rest 1:30-2 min) B.: Push Jerk (3 Sets, 5 Reps Build to a moderate 5 [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Snatch (4 Sets, building or not: Pause Power Snatch (2 second at knee) + Snatch -rest 1:30-2 min) B.: Push Jerk (3 Sets, 5 Reps Build to a moderate 5 [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Metcon (Time) For Time, Partitioned in any way, in any order: 3000m Row 67 Pullups 100 KB Goblet Squats 150 KBS 200 Double Unders 15 Wall Walks
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Snatch (4 Sets, building or not: Pause Power Snatch (2 second at knee) + Snatch -rest 1:30-2 min) B.: Push Jerk (3 Sets, 5 Reps Build to a moderate 5 [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Snatch (4 Sets, building or not: Pause Power Snatch (2 second at knee) + Snatch -rest 1:30-2 min) B.: Push Jerk (3 Sets, 5 Reps Build to a moderate 5 [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit A.: Snatch (4 Sets, building or not: Pause Power Snatch (2 second at knee) + Snatch -rest 1:30-2 min) B.: Push Jerk (3 Sets, 5 Reps Build to a moderate 5 [...]
The Gym Lake Highlands – Power Hour A. Strength (6 Rounds for weight) E2MOM x 6 Sets: 5 Deadlifts (barbell or DB) 200m Run B. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 22: 500m Row 15 [...]