CrossFit – Fri, Feb 14

The Gym Lake Highlands – CrossFit

A.: Snatch (4 Sets, Building or not
Snatch +
Hang Power Snatch +
3-5 Strict Pullups (if you’re able to get 5 add weight using a DB)
rest 1:30-2:00)

B.: Push Press (3 sets, 3 Reps, Build to a moderate 3
3-5 Strict Pullups (if you’re able to get 5 add weight using a DB)
rest 1:30)

C. Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds for Time:

25/20 AB Cal

4 Ring Muscle Ups

6 Handstand Pushups

200m Run

4 Bar Muscle Ups

6 Handstand Pushups

TC: 17 minutes
-scale rmu or bmu to no fewer than 3; scale HSPU to no fewer than 4 reps

-only scale to jumping mu if you’ve have successfully completed the movement previously

-scale rmu to low ring mu + dip and bmu to tough pulling variant + 2 pushups.