The Gym Lake Highlands – 3-Fitness

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Warm-up (No Measure)

For Time @75%

AB 20 Cals

20 Air Squats

15 Abmat Sit-ups

Rest 2mins

For Time @ 80%

AB 20 Cals

15 Pause Squat Jumps

15 Knee to Elbows

Rest 2mins

For Time @85%

Ab 20 Cals

15 DB Thrusters

15 Tuck Ups

*with the increased percentages show an


Back Squat (5×4)

20X1 Tempo


Rest 2mins between sets
These should be tough sets today


Metcon (6 Rounds for calories)

Every 2min x 6 Sets:

Assault Bike 12sec Sprint @100%

Pay attention to your MAX watts, RPMS, and calories


Metcon (Weight)

3 Rounds:

1) KB Mixed Rack Suitcase Walking Lunge: 16 steps, switch arms halfway*

-rest 45 seconds

2) Banded Plank Hold: 60sec

-rest 45 seconds

3) Alternating DB Bicep Curl to Press: 6-8/arm
*On the carry, one arm will hold a KB in the Front Rack, while the other is in the Suitcase Position