The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
Halloween Pumpkin Palloza (Time)
With a partner, pick a pumpkin (medicine ball) and complete the following for time:
50 Burpee over Pumpkin
100 Pumpkin Push Presses*
50 Pumpkin Box Step Overs* (20 in)
100 Pumpkin Goblet Squats*
50 Pumpkin Push-ups
100 Pumpkin Situps*
50 Pumpkin Squat cleans
* 5 burpee penalty (both partners) each time the “pumpkin” touches the ground
Split the reps between partners
When partner A completes their set of a movement with an * they must hand the medicine ball to partner B without letting it touch the ground. If either partner drops or puts the medicine ball down at any time, then both partners must do a 5 burpee penalty each.