The Gym Lake Highlands – 5-At Home

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Warm-up (No Measure)

6:00 AMRAP of

8 Side lunges

8 Push-ups

5 V rolls

5 Skiers

10 Lateral hops


Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM x 10

:20 of push-ups
Focus on good form and full range of motion. If your push-ups fail, maintain plank until :20 are up.


Metcon (Time)


30 DB Shoulder Press

30 Box Jumps

200m Run

20 DB Shoulder Press

20 Box Jumps

200m Run

10 DB Shoulder Press

10 Box Jumps

200m Run

(Score is Time)

– DB shoulder press: push-ups, handstand push-ups, handstand hold, pike push-ups

– Box jumps: use a chair or bench being careful to make sure it will support you and not move. Use step ups or lunges as needed.