The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds of
10 Skaters
10 Push-ups
10 Prisoner good mornings
(Steady pace, nasal breathing only)
2x of
6 Skiers
6 Hindu push-ups w reach across (in down dog reach right hand to left foot and vice versa, both hands each rep)
6 V rolls
Back Squat (10-8-8)
Back Squats
*Build to a Moderate weight. Complete a :45 Single KB Front Rack Hold (Heavy) on each arm after each set.
(Score is Weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 2x 5:00
8 Alt. KB Thrusters (45/25)|(25/18)*
16 Sit-Ups
– Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs, pick up where you left off-
*Athlete will press one KB overhead while the other KB stays in the Front Rack. They will then switch to the other arm on the next rep.
(Score is Reps)