The Gym Lake Highlands – 5-At Home
Warm-up (No Measure)
2x of
100 Singles
15 Jumping jacks
10 Lunges
5 Skiers
Metcon (No Measure)
5×8 Single leg deadlifts
Use a DB or other weight if available.
Metcon (Time)
Complete the following for time
15 Jumping air squats
15 Overhead sit-ups (25/15)
30 Double unders
12 Jumping air squats
12 Overhead sit-ups
24 Double unders
9 Jumping air squats
9 Overhead sit-ups
18 Double unders
Rest 2:00
9 Jumping air squats
9 Bicycle crunches
18 Double unders
12 Jumping air squats
12 Bicycle crunches
24 Double unders
15 Jumping air squats
15 Bicycle crunches
30 Double unders
– Overhead sit-ups: use any object to hold overhead
– Double unders: 2x singles + 3 burpees