The Gym Lake Highlands – 2-Strength
Warm-up (No Measure)
2x of
6 Slow Mt Climbers
5 Hindu push-ups
5 Side lunges
5 Skiers
5:00 of slow jogging
2x of
10 Air squats w arms overhead
10 Child’s pose shrugs
10 Child’s pose lift offs
5 Push-ups
Metcon (No Measure)
Max reps* of:
– Single arm split stance DB/KB row
– Single leg get up
:45 Side plank (each side)
2x: :30 Hollow hold
Max reps** of:
– Single arm split stance DB/KB row
– Single leg get up
:45 Side plank (each side)
2x: :30 Hollow hold
*Max reps= the most reps you can perform with close to perfect form. As soon as your form starts to break down, stop. Try to increase your reps from last week. Depending on the weight you have this could be 5 reps or 30.
**The second time through your goal is to repeat around 75% of your first effort.
Metcon (No Measure)
3x of
10/10 Deficit step ups
10-15 Deadbug pull-overs
:45 Panama Plank