The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM x 5

:40 of cardio activity (run, row, jump rope, skaters, jumping jacks, mt climbers, lateral hops, burpees, etc)


8:00 AMRAP of

10 Prisoner good mornings

5 Skiers

20 Plank shoulder taps

10 Arm haulers

5 Side lunges


Support Your Local Box Workout 2 (Time)

For time:

100 double-unders

21 burpees

75 double-unders

15 burpees

50 double-unders

9 burpees

Time cap: 15 minutes
Scale for DU:

– 100 DU = 150 Singles, 300m run, 330m row, 90 sec of cardio

– 75 DU = 120 Singles, 200m run, 220m row, 70 sec of cardio

– 50 DU = 90 Singles, 100m run, 110m row, 50 sec of cardio

Cool Down

Warm-up (No Measure)

Finish with 10:00 of easy jogging, rowing, walking on your own.