1-CrossFit – Fri, Dec 9

The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard


A. General

2 sets

30 seconds Row @Low intensity

10 Empty bar thrusters

30 sec row @ moderate intensity

5 Jumping pull ups / BMU

B. Specific: Positions

5 Tempo hang “jumps”

5 Snatch pull unders

5 Tempo Hang power Snatch

5 Tempo Low hang Squat Snatch

Ramp up


A: Metcon (Weight)

Snatch @135/95lbs

1 rep every 7 seconds for 30 reps
TC: 10

Scaling Options:

Level 1

1 Rep every 20 seconds for 20 reps

Level 2:

@ 115/75lbs


B: Metcon (Time)

For time

15 Thrusters 115/75 lbs

10 Bar Muscle-ups

30 Box Jump over 24/20”

10 Thrusters 135/95 lbs

20 CTB

30 Box Jump over

5 Thrusters 155/105 lbs

40 TTB

30 Box Jump over 24/20”
KG: 50/35, 60/45, 70/50 KG

TC: 15 min

Score: Time

Scaling Options

Level 1

15 Thrusters @45/35

15 Assisted Pull Ups

15 Box Jump 20″/Plate

10 Thrusters @65/45

30 Ring Rows

15 Box Jump 20″/Plate

5 Thrusters @75/55

30 Hanging Knee Raise

15 Box Jump 20″/Plate

Level 2

15 Thrusters @75/55

10 Jumping Bar Muscle-ups

30 Box Jump over@24/20”

10 Thrusters @95/65

20 Pull ups

30 Box Jump Over

5 Thrusters @115/75

40 Toes to Eye Level

30 Box Jump over


15 Thrusters @135/95

15 Bar Muscle-ups

30 Box Jump over

10 Thrusters @155/105

45 CTB

30 Box Jump over

5 Thrusters @185/135

60 TTB

30 Box Jump over

Extra Accessory

Metcon (Checkmark)

3 sets not for time

8-10 Heavy Skull Crushers

8-10 Heavy DB Pullover

12 Barbell Biceps curls

