1-CrossFit – Fri, Jan 6

The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard


A. General

60sec Row/Bike/Run

@ easy

30sec Banded good mornings

45sec Row/Bike/Run@ Moderate

30sec Banded T pull aparts

30sec Row/Bike/Run@ Hard

B. Mobility

Front rack bent elbow stretch

5 x/side 5sec contract + 5 sec relax


C. Specific

2 sets

3 clean first pull

3 muscle clean

3 power clean

3 Tempo squat cleans

3 jerk dips

3 push press

3 Jerk

3 tempo clean & jerk (slow down first pull)


A: Clean and Jerk (Max Effort
1 Rep Max)

TC: 16 min

Score: Weight

Scaling Options

Level 1

2 Clean and Jerks


B: Metcon (Time)

“Chipper Test: 22′ QF Event 1”

For time

50 dumbbell walking lunges

30 handstand push-ups

40 front-rack walking lunges

20 deficit handstand push-ups

30 overhead walking lunges

10 strict handstand push-ups

2 x 50/35-lb dumbbells for all lunges

HSPU: 3.5/2” deficit
KG: 22.5/15 KG

TC: 15 min

Score: Time

Scaling Options

Level 1

50 walking lunges

30 DB Push Press

40 walking lunges

20 Hand elevated push ups

30 walking lunges

10 Banded pike push ups

Level 2

50 dumbbell walking lunges

20 pike handstand push-ups

40 front-rack walking lunges

10 handstand push-ups

30 overhead walking lunges

5 handstand push-ups

2 x 35/25-lb dumbbells for all lunges