1-CrossFit – Fri, Mar 17

The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard


A. General

2 rounds

10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity

4/4 DB Russian swing, one arm

4/4 DB high pull, one arm

8 DB snatches, alternating*

*Work on the overhead return: Dropping the DB into the hand.

B. Mobility

Quadruped rear shoulder stretch




Gymnastics Drills (Checkmark)

C2B practice, all levels

Box assisted swings

Box assisted pull ups

Box assisted C2B with 2 feet

Box assisted C2B with 1 foot

These can be done kipping or Butterfly style
TC: 15 mins

Score: N/A


Metcon (Time)

12 rounds for time

5 C2B

10 DB Snatch 1×50/35lbs

25′ Hs walk

Rest 1 min after every 4 rounds

RX+ 3 Bar muscle ups instead of C2B
TC: 20 Minutes

KG 35/25

Scaling Options

Level 1

3 Assisted strict pull ups

10 DB Snatch @ 25/15lbs

3-5 Inchworms

Level 2

5 Pull ups

10 DB Snatch 35/25lbs

3 Wall walks


12 rounds

3 Bar Muscle-ups

4/side KB snatch @70/53lbs

25′ Hs walk

Rest 1 min after every 4 rounds