Due to inclement weather we will be closed for our morning am classes. As of now we hope to resume our midday and afternoon classes. Be sure to check wodify and social media for updates.
The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
A. General
2min Row or Bike @increasing intensity
B. Mobility
PVC shoulder dislocate
10-12 Repetitions
-As close as you can while maintaining lock out and retraction in the scap
C. Specific
—- (Third pull drills)
– Tall muscle snatch
– Tall power snatch (pause in full ext, arms in high pull, heel elevated)
— (Second pull drills)
– Tall vertical jump
– Hang into vertical jump (no arm movement)
– Low hang into vertical jump
– Tempo Power snatch
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 x
AMRAP 6 minutes
5 Power Snatch @70%
20/18 Cal Row
Rest 2 minutes between each AMRAP
TC: 22 min
Score: Total Rounds and Reps
Scaling Options
Level 1
5 Power Snatch @6-7/RPE
15/12 Cal Row
Extra Accessory
Core Stability (Weight)
Turkish Get up @moderate
4 x 3/3