The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
Warmup (Checkmark)
A. General
2 sets
1 min Easy Machine
10 rotating scorpions
3 Explosive push-ups/kneeling push-ups
B. Specific (Bench)
2 sets
10 Empty bar Bench press, control descent
10 Empty bar bent over rows*
*focus on the scapular region, avoid shrugging.
A: Bench Press (Bench press
6 x 6 @70-80%
TC: 15 min
Score: Weight
Scaling Options
Level 1
5 x 4-6 @ moderate (heavier than last week)
B: Metcon (Time)
For time
30 Clean and Jerk @135/ 95 lbs
45 Box jump over @24/20′
Rest 1:1
3 rounds for time
10 Clean and Jerk @135/95 lbs
15 Box jump over @24/20′
KG: 60/45 Kg
TC: 18 min P1: 6 min, P2: 6 min
Score: Total Time
Scaling Options
Level 1
20 Clean and Jerk @95/ 65 lbs
25 Box jump over @20/plate’
3 rounds for time
6 Clean and Jerk @95/65 lbs
12 Box jump over @20/plate’
Level 2
30 Clean and Jerk @115/ 75 lbs
30 Box jump over @24/20′
3 rounds for time
10 Clean and Jerk @115/75 lbs
10 Box jump over @24/20′