2-PWRHR – Thu, May 30


POWER IS BACK! We will resume a regular schedule starting with Noon Power Hour today (Thursday)!

The Gym Lake Highlands – 2-PWRHR

A.: Strength (Checkmark)

800m Burden Carry/Ruck

-pick something heavy and carry it for 800m – take breaks as needed.

-you can carry a DB, kb, plate
if it’s raining, do tuesday’s strength:

3 Sets: Max Strict Pullups

-if you cannot do 5 strict pullups, scale

-scale to band across the J-hooks OR ring rows OR Rack Pulls

-rest 1:30 between each set

B. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


30 DB Push Press

30 Box Jumps

30 DB Front Squats

E3MOM Run 200m
If raining:

scale run to 250/225m Row