1-CrossFit – Tue, Dec 27

The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit

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Warmup (Checkmark)

A. General

3min Bike/Row@increasing intensity


3 Burpees + 4 V-ups

B. Mobility

Prayer stretch with foam roller

C. Specific (Metcon)

6/4 Cal Machine


4 OH Squats

6 Hspu

4 Devils press

2 x 5-10 breaths while holding the stretch



A: Gymnastics (8 Rounds for reps)

TTB Timing Drill

5-8 sets of

3-5 reps
Level 1:

Knee Raise

Level 2:

Leg Raise, as high as possible


B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 26 minutes

40 Cal Air Bike/Row

60 TTB

40 Overhead Squat @ 95/65 lbs

60 Hspu

40 Devils press @ 2 x 50/35lbs

KG: 45/30,22.5/15 KG

TC: 26 min

Score: Rounds and Reps

Scaling Options

Level 1

20 Cal Air Bike/Row

40 HKR

20 OHS @ 45/35lbs

40 DB Push Press @ 2×25/15lbs

20 Devils press @ 1 x 25/15lbs
Level 2

40 Cal Air Bike/Row

60 Toes to eye level

40 OHS @ 75/55lbs

60 Pike Hspu

40 Devils press @ 2 x 35/25lbs