1-CrossFit – Tue, Jan 24

The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit

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Warmup (Checkmark)

A. General

3 min cardio of choice


EMOMx 5:

3 burpees

3 V-ups

B. Mobility

PNF hamstring stretch


5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot

5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back

C. TTB timing drill (Pre-Power)

3 sets

3 Pause V-ups*

5 TTB timing drill

*Pause in the hollow position on the way down for 2 seconds, then TnG on the hands and feet on the floor into the next rep simultaneously.



A: Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time

15 Deadlift @135/95

12 CTB

8 Burpees to target

KG: 60/45 Kg
TC: 15 min

Score: Time

Scaling Options

Level 1

15 Deadlift @75/55

12 Jumping Pull Up

6 Burpees

Level 2

15 Deadlift @115/75

12 Pull Up

8 Burpees to tagret


5 rounds for time

25′ DB Front Rack Lunges @2×50/35 lbs

12 CTB

8 Burpees to a target


B: Power (AMRAP – Reps)

5 sets


Rest 30 seconds

6 Medball situp toss to wall



Rest 30 seconds

10 Hard pulls on the Rower @damper 10

Rest 60 seconds

KG: 22.5/14 KG

TC: 16 min

Score: Max Wattage

Scaling Options (all rest the same)

Level 1
– 5 Hanging Knee Raise

– 6 Medball situp toss to wall @ light

– 10 Hard pulls on the Rower

Level 2

– 5 Toes to eye level

– 6 Medball situp toss to wall

– 10 Hard pulls on the Rower @damper 10

Extra Accessory

Accessory (Checkmark)

3 rounds

30 sec Hollow body rocks

30 sec Hip extension hold on GHD