The Gym Lake Highlands – 1-CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
5:00 AMRAP of:
5 Vern’s hip
5 Superman
5 Grasshoppers
5 Side Lunges
5 Dealer’s choice
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Your Age AMRAP of*
50m SA Farmer’s Carry (that’s 50m each arm, 25 reps)
50 Ground to Overhead
50 Alternating V ups
50m Bear crawl or crab walk (25 Reps)
50 Up/Downs
*Your age in minutes is the duration of your AMRAP. Everyone under the age of 30 multiply years by 2 to get your minutes. Or do 30 min if you don’t feel like doing the math.