Thursday – Week 8 of 8

The Gym Lake Highlands – 2-Strength

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 row or bike


8-10 Band shoulder series

8-10 Ring rows

5 Skiers

Warm-up (No Measure)

Prep work

2×6 @ 60%

2×5 @ 70%

2×4 @ 80%


Back Squat (5-5-4-4 )

Use the same weight for all four sets. Go up in weight #10 each week until you fail to complete the four sets.

Weighted Pull-ups (5-5-4-4)

Use the same weight for all four sets. Go up in weight #5 each week until you fail to complete the four sets.

Aux: Metcon (No Measure)

3x of

8/8 SA KB suitcase lateral step ups

5/5 Half kneeling windmills

50m SA Farmer’s carry
Half kneeling windmills: