The Gym Lake Highlands – 3-Fitness

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Warm-up (No Measure)

Every 5mins Complete the following x 3 sets:

Row 400m

16 Step ups

4 Strict Toes to Bar or Knees to Elbow
*5mins should be sufficient time to complete the work without pushing too much. If it is not, then scale back the distance of the row


Back Squat Waves (6×1)

20X0 tempo;


Rest 2mins between sets
Wave load- weights should be up on the second wave


Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds For Time:

15 KBS (heavy)

10 Up-downs

15 Knees to Elbow

20 cal row (increasing pace)*
*You MUST increase your pace on each set of rowing. Start off slower so you can accomplish this. Rest as needed before each set of rowing so you ensure your pace is sustained the whole time higher than the last set


Metcon (Weight)

4 Sets:

20-30sec DB Side Plank/side

– Rest 30 Sec

12 DB Skull Crushers

– rest 30sec